Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Family Obama

A lot of people think Americans can say some pretty culturally insensitive things. While this may very well be true, I wonder how many people in other countries realize how what they say sounds to us. Here's the backdrop: the usual crew I have been rolling with is myself, Doug, Saara, Ayah, Kiesel, and Erica. Doug is from Chicago- blond hair, blue eyes and tall. Saara and Ayah also both look "white"; Saara is from DC and Ayah is a reverted Muslim from Canada. Kiesel is Venezuelan and Erica is half-Japanese/ half-European mix from LA. Here are some typical things that get randomly yelled at us in the street:

To me: "Family Obama!" "Africa, my neighbor, my friend!"
To Erica: "China? Japan?"
To Ayah (who gets it the worst): "You are Muslim?" Yes. "Why don't you know Arabic?" I'm learning. "You should speak Arabic. You are from Canada? Why don't you know French." I don't know. "Do you pray 5 times a day?" Yes, do YOU pray 5 times a day?!?!

I guess Doug, Saara and Kiesel "look like they are supposed to" so no one bothers them. I know it starts to bother Ayah (someone actually asked her, are you SURE you are Muslim?) but usually it is all in love. The "Family Obama" smile is so big, who can get offended at that???

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