Monday, April 12, 2010

It's so hard to say good-bye...

The time has come for me to say good-bye to Morocco and it is bitter sweet. Bitter because I have made some true friends here, both from the program and from my class. But sweet because I finally got my invitation for the Peace Corps! I am now an invitee slated to leave for Kenya May 24, inshallah. So after more than a year of deliberating, waiting, running around, stressing, and waiting some more, I have some clarity. More on that later...

First, there are two things I will definitely miss about Morocco (besides the people of course): bromance and hospitality.


Even though as a Muslim country, PDA between men and women is a definite shooma, same sex affection is completely ok. It's not a sign of homosexuality (it "doesn't exist" in Islam), but just showing some love. It is not uncommmon to see men holding hands, with their arms around each other shoulders, or just generally being all up in each other's space. One day in class, a student arrived thirty minutes late, but that didn't stop him from going to a friend and giving him not one, not two, but three cheek kisses. It's nice to see men expressing themselves though.


Although the GDP per capita of Morocco is significantly less than America, I rarely see people begging and I can count the number of homeless people I saw on one hand. This is partially because of the devotion to Islam but it extends beyond that. When you are riding the train, people share food (and water) with whomever is around. If you have the fortune to be invited to someone's home, you will be showered with food and ordered to "cul" (eat) even past the point you are stuffed. One home that I went to, not only gave us tea and pastries, but also gave each of us a necklace. My last day of class, many of my students surprised me with small gifts of appreciation. And my favorite thing, the water cup. On the way home from school, there is a house that I pass that has a faucet and a blue cup (picture below) available for any passer-bys that are thirsty.

So, my friends, the Morocco chapter of my life is closed for now. For the next ten days, I will be traveling Egypt and Jordan and then back to the States!

Here are some pictures (I promise a photo album is coming when I get stable internet!)

A communal bread oven

Me and my class!

The house with the blue cup

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