Friday, May 27, 2011

Kenya read me a story?

What was your favorite book as a child? When I was young, I remember James and the Giant Peach, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Are you there God, it's me Margaret. I also remember going to the library weekly with my mom and checking out as many books as she would let me. Ok, yes, I know I am making myself sound very much like a nerd here but the point is those books were available to me. I could lose myself in them, travel to a distant place or just read with the satisfaction that the my fears, joys, and anxieties about the world were not singular just to me.

Sadly, most children in Kenya don't have that luxury. Outside of the capital, libraries are virtually nonexistent. Schools have enough trouble getting (or allocating) funds to buy regular text books, let alone pleasure reading. The Form 3 (high school junior) business class I teach has a total of 4 textbooks for 27 students. That's including the book I use to make notes and share with students. 4. So what is the likelihood that such schools have a Judy Blume or Roald Dahl to avail to their students? Nil. can change that! How? Donate to my Books for Africa project!
Your donation will help provide books to various schools throughout Kenya. This is a collaborative project that I am working on with two volunteers from Eastern. Some of the schools will even get computers! Books for Africa sends free books to developing countries, asking only that host countries pay shipping. Shipping is a pretty penny though so please donate today!

Major kudos to Aunt Barbara, a personal champion of literacy, who was the first to donate. Thanks!!!

And, just in case I have not pulled at your heart strings enough, here are some photos of the children you would be helping!

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