Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Moroccans would do well on Wall Street

To shop in Morocco is to bargain. Unless you are at the grocery store, pretty much every price is up for negotiation. I hate shopping like this. Especially since I am not buying expensive things like carpets so I end up haggling for 10 minutes to reduce my price probably 10 dirhams. The exchange rate is 8 MAD for 1 USD so this is actually a losing time-is-money proposition. But when in Rome...

Couple of things...
1) I fixed the commenting feature so comment away!
2) There are captions and titles for the pictures but you have to actually open the photo album, you can't see it from the slideshow.
3) I think on some of the pictures I got some things a little confused. The medina is the actual downtown city. It has a wall around it and would be in contrast to the "ville nouvelle", or the downtown area created by the French during the occupation. The pictures I have are of the souk, or market, that is located inside the medina. Hope that is more clear. I'm learning along with you all!

Did you know...
The wife of the Moroccan king is not called a queen, but a princess. Yep, I didn't either.


  1. Hey Megan,
    Thanks for the statistics on Morocco. Islamic architecture is beautiful and so are you! Can we get an Arabic word of the day? Oh way you are at it can you throw in some French? I feel you on the haggling. How about they way they can do that conversion with every currency in the world in like 10 seconds and speak multiple languages lol. I agree they would be a wiz on Wall Street. Well thanks for the updates. Miss you love you xoxo Tia

  2. China was the same way. Soon enough, it becomes a battle of the wills. I had a friend who bargained for a suitcase with $10 USD and a picture of his daughter! I don't know...his daughter's may photo may end up on the black market somewhere, but you can't beat that kind of deal!
